About Us | Satinka Naturals
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In June 2007, Satinka Naturals started as a medicinally focused and remedy based modern-day apothecary that provides natural solutions for skincare and home-care. Strongly believing in the power of botanicals and herbs that are found locally as a replacement to the skin and home care products found in the market that contain harmful chemicals.

All products are hand-crafted and are produced in small batches to maintain superlative quality. Making use of the best ingredients and green alternative preservatives and no harmful chemicals like drying sulfate, harsh parabens and toxic fragrances.

Our philosophy is to use mostly natural and handcrafted products that are good for both the body, environment and to ceaselessly research and develop natural products.

In 2014, Satinka Naturals decided to open a bistro. It is a dine-in place that serves wholesome food using organic vegetables sourced from the cordilleran region which can also be purchased at the store.

Our goal is to build a community for the new generation to adopt the healthy lifestyle. DIY workshops and events such as poetry slams and other artistic milestones are featured in the bistro.

The healthy lifestyle, alternative natural products and artisanal food is what we like to share to our community.

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